Synchronize the global address list with your smartphone by using contactSync
Simple. Fast. Time-saving.
Your employees work remote and get calls or need to send e-mails via their company smartphone? Then make sure they have the details of your Company GAL available to make their life easier: contactSync will help you to synchronize the Global Address Lists into personal Outlook Address List – so your GAL is available on a smartphone.
Customers all over the world synchronize their contacts with contactSync.
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Our solution synchronizes contacts from a public folder to user mailboxes in the same Exchange organization.
Quickly deployable
contactSync can be implemented within an hour - without the need for a consultant.
Once you have set up contactSync, you will benefit from the automated synchronization.
Budget friendly
Good price-performance ratio, as licensing is based on demand according to the number of mailboxes the contacts are to receive. The demand for server resources is also low..
The intuitive visual interface makes it easy to use, especially for admins without programming knowledge.
Case Study
Hermann Pfanner Getränke GmbH uses contactSync for mobile devices
After migrating from Lotus Notes to Microsoft Exchange, Pfanner was looking for a solution to keep the contacts from the global address list (GAL) up to date on mobile devices. The company found what it was looking for with the NETsec tool contactSync.
contactSync is a product of NETsec GmbH & Co. KG from Düren, Germany.
NETsec is an independent system house and software company with an award-winning portfolio of solutions used by more than ten million users worldwide. We are partners of Fujitsu, Microsoft, Sophos and VMware.
Contact us if you are looking for a contactSync reseller in your country or would like to become one yourself.
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